Fix your Node.js errors
in minutes

LogsErrorsSlow RequestsDebuggerAI Agents

How production errors are debugged

Centralized logging

Experience centralized logging at its finest. Collect, visualize, and filter Node.js logs seamlessly with our intuitive interface.

Automatic log collection

Intelligent grouping

Smart filtering

All errors in one place

Put an end to the endless search for errors in your app logs. Errsole centralizes all your app errors in one place for instant viewing and easy resolution.


Uncaught exceptions

Failed requests

Slow requests

Root cause of every error

Don't settle for just error stacks. With Errsole, you can pinpoint the exact HTTP requests that caused errors.

HTTP requests that caused errors

HTTP requests that caused uncaught exceptions

User activity that led to errors

Real-time notifications

Errsole provides you with real-time notifications regarding errors in your app, enabling quick response and resolution.

Email notifications

Slack notifications

Real-time error notifications

Daily summary

Collaborate with your team

Invite developers to your app, manage their permissions, and assign errors to individual developers.

Invite developers

Manage developer permissions

Assign errors

Concurrent debugging

See Errsole in Action